Yes I receive the Spam in my inbox today.
Rumo'r N'e,w_s,:
Rumo'r N'e,w_s,:
O'ncol.ogy M.e_d'. I.n.c_. (O'TC: O*NCO) a Canc-er
T'reatme,nt So'lution*s Gr oup is s'a.i'd to h a_v+e
e_.xperienced o+v.e r a 100'0% increas-_e in r,ev*enues
f,o r t*h'e fis_cal 3'r.d quart_er endi*ng J_u_l,y+,
2-0,0.7 com''pared w,i.t,h t+h,e pr'ior y*e*a'r whil_e
fi*scal fou rth q*uarter re*sults f*o.r 2.0'0.7 a r e on
t.rack to exc*eed t'h*i s year_’s t.hird qu*arter
O'N C_O ad.ditio*nally pl,ans to i_ncreas e s'ervice
o,ffe*rings wh*ich a,r.e cu,rr,ently underwa*y_.
Don ’t w.a*i*t f'o'r t+h e n-e*w+s to c o.m e o-u,t
a.n_d l,o s.e t+h_e opportun'_ity to g,e't in fro-nt of the
gene.ral p ublic. O+nc_ology M*e.d is in a
multibi'll ion doll_ar in_d+ustry w_h,e-r*e
t-h e-y a'r.e mark et sha_re rap_idly.
C a,l_l y_o_u+r brok+er n-o'w f,o*r O_N_C-O .
They do that so spam filters won't pick it up, it's just a fancy way to trick the system.
Posted by: dustin | 07/29/2008 at 07:17 AM
O, well, thank`s for the article that you wrote your article. A lot of time I was trying to find some new material for me, and I guess I have it thanks to you. Thank`s once more. I will be waiting for interesting articles from you.
Posted by: yakovis_33 | 12/24/2008 at 06:53 AM