So I got Email today informing me that Six Apart is Killing off Their Vox Service and Moving the Current Vox User base to their Typepad Blogging Site
Important service announcement: Vox is closing September 30, 2010
Vox has been a fun place to explore, create and connect with your friends. But Vox is closing its doors on September 30, 2010.
This doesn't mean you have to say goodbye to your blog. We want you
to make sure you can keep the great content you’ve shared on Vox, and
continue to have a home for your blog. To help you make the transition
off of Vox, we’ve added new export features that make it easy to move
your blog to a free TypePad account, and your photos & videos to
So, I am about to go through the Process of moving my Vox Blog to to Typepad. Let see if the transition goes smoothly without any glitches or the like.
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