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This Last Saturday, I had wonderfully time, with my friend Mary in North Bay. Not only did I get an private Flute Lesson with Mark, The setting for the concert took place in the picturesque rolling hills Santa Rosa, Ca. outside by the pool. As the sun was setting over the horizon. First set started with Bruce a member of North Bay Flute Circle, playing various traditional NAF songs. And then mark, Debut a selection of songs from his new cd.

After the short break of snacks, conversations, Fun with piano rolls and waiting for the super moon to raise. Mark started the second set of music of playing some songs from his older cds, Next came the Jam session (I even joined in the fun) and next after that, mark played cover of melody from rolling stone, moody blues - Nights In White Satin and Elton John - your song. And to top it all. My friend Mary won the silence action NAF flute that was donated from NV Flutes.

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